EUROPE. GridBeyond and Monta to offer EV charging software for enhancing grid stabilization
Dublin energy-as-a-service company GridBeyond and Copenhagen EV charging software provider Monta have partnered to offer software designed to reduce stress on the electrical grid.
By working with GridBeyond, Monta’s managed EV chargers will be enabled to provide grid contribution during times of imbalance resulting from dips in power generation or surges in demand across local distribution networks or the wider grid.
The chargers can also function as demand-side assets that earn revenues by participating in capacity market and static firm frequency response programs. Monta customers opt in to the service by means of the company’s PowerBank product, which is currently undergoing a successful testing stage in Great Britain.
“GridBeyond is delighted to be partnering with Monta to help balance the local and national grids. As EV ownership grows, the opportunity that these types of services give can provide a useful solution across the UK,” said Michael Kent, head of EV Solutions at Monta.