GERMANY. 350 fast-charging stations for trucks planned

June 13, 2024

With the goal of a nationwide German fast-charging network with more than 1000 locations, around 350 rest areas on motorways are to be equipped with fast truck chargers.

Mercedes E-Truck

Fast-charging stations for trucks are to be built at around 350 locations throughout Germany. This was confirmed today by the Federal Ministry of Transport in Berlin after a report in “The Pioneer”. According to this, the columns are to be set up at 220 managed rest areas and 130 unmanaged rest areas. The federally owned Now GmbH is currently preparing the tender. According to the ministry, it will be published in the summer.

Part of the Germany Network

According to the press report, around a third of the 130 unmanaged rest areas that will be put out to tender are also to be part of the German network, which is also financed by the federal government. The goal is to build a nationwide fast-charging network throughout Germany with more than 1000 locations.

According to its own statements, the German government wants to achieve that by 2030 a third of commercial vehicle mileage will be provided electrically or with electricity-based fuels. The procurement of commercial vehicles with alternative, climate-friendly drives is to be promoted. Along with the vehicle ramp-up, a refuelling and charging infrastructure tailored to demand and a suitable regulatory environment are to be established.

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